Name: | Nagtshang goenpa |
Identity: | Lhakhang |
Level: | Registered Heritage Building |
Category: | Heritage Building |
Founder: | Dzongpoen Singye |
Constructed(Year|Century): | 0 | 17 |
No. of Floor | 3floor |
Main Wall | Stone wall |
Location: | Bartsham, Trashigang |
Current Use: | Original |
Ownership: | Community |
Coodinates: | 27.38968⁰N, 91.60548⁰E |
Nagtshang Goenkhang is locally known as Jaypo Peykhar’s Goenkhang (local deity). The community of Bartsham worships Jaypo Peykhar as the main local deity and it is believed to provide protection and blessing in terms of winning the game, providing good fortune, and higher scores in the examination which is very similar to Dechenphug lhakhang in Thimphu. According to lam Ugyen Namdrol (2022), it is said to have been used as the office of Poenkhang and as a guest house for poenlops in the past. However, the particular date of construction is unknown but it is believed to be constructed in the same year Trashigang dzong was constructed in the 17th century. It was constructed by Trashigang Dzongpoen Singye as his residence. Later, in 1960 Bartsham lam Nakulung took over the lhakhang and appointed a custodian to look after goenkhang. It is also believed that the local people feared visiting the lhakhang before lam Nakulung took over it because of the harm caused by the local deity. The goenkhang was used as a school from the year 1950 to the 1980s and later converted into Gewog Center from 1996 to 1998. It was renovated by replacing the old timber components in 2015 through community funding. Currently, the goenkhang is undergoing renovation funded by the gewog administration.