Name: | Radhi Namdrup Choling Lhakhang |
Identity: | Lhakhang |
Level: | Registered Heritage Building |
Category: | Heritage Building |
Founder: | Dronyer Ugyen Dorji |
Constructed(Year|Century): | 1906 | 19 |
No. of Floor | 3floor |
Main Wall | Stone wall |
Location: | Radi, Trashigang |
Current Use: | Original |
Ownership: | Community |
Coodinates: | 27.36248⁰N, 91.70953⁰E |
Radhi Namdrup Choling lhakhang was established in the year 1906 through labor contribution from the people of Tshangkha and Bongman villages under the initiative of Dronyer Ugyen Dorji. According to lam Tempa (2022), it is said to be built as per the promise made by Dronyer to build eight lhakhangs to cleanse his sin for executing warriors during the civil war. Radhi Namdrup Choling lhakhang is the last lhakhang he built. Lam Choeda is said to have visited the site in 1971 to spread Buddhism. The lhakhang was extended in 1973 to a larger structure. The lhakhang was initially built as a two-storied structure but later, it was renovated and jamthok was added in 1946 through kidu from the king. The debri was repainted in 1998 through private funding. The lhakhang is managed by Garab Rinpoche after it was handed over to him in 2013. Monastic schooling started in 2014 and currently, there are 20 monks enrolled in the school. It was blessed by Aum Jomo, Gyalpo Gana Pati, Sersang lam Kintu Lekpa, Sungthrul Rinpoche and Dungtse Rinpoche.