Name: | Tendey Drupkhang lhakhang |
Identity: | Lhakhang |
Level: | Registered Heritage Building |
Category: | Heritage Building |
Founder: | Drupthob Tenzin Choejey |
Constructed(Year|Century): | 1853 | 18 |
No. of Floor | 2floor |
Main Wall | Stone masonry |
Location: | Lumang, Trashigang |
Current Use: | Original |
Ownership: | Government |
Coodinates: | 27.17083°N and 91.50997°E |
Tendey Drupkhang Goenpa was initially built in 1853 by Drupthob Tenzin Choejey. According to lopen Thinley Dorji (2022), the name of the lhakhang was derived from the drupkhang (meditation cave) of Drupthob Ramsum famously known as Tenzin Chogyel, Kinzang Lhendup, and Sangay Yeshey which is a few kilometers away from the lhakhang. They were believed to have meditated at Larjab Drakar Choeling lhakhang in Mongar Dzongkhag to attain enlightenment. Then, Drupthob Tenzin Choejey came to Lumang and built the lhakhang which later suffered deterioration due to age. Thus, old lhakhang was completely reconstructed in the year 2013 and completed in 2017 through funding from the government. Adjacent to the lhakhang, there is one big tree known as Ngawang Shing which is believed to have grown from a lake, although there is no more lake today. The tree has nine varieties of other tree species growing from the same tree. It was previously managed by Gomday until it was handed over to the government in 2009.