Name: | Yadhi Sangngachoeling Lhakhang |
Identity: | Lhakhang |
Level: | Registered Heritage Building |
Category: | Heritage Building |
Founder: | N.A |
Constructed(Year|Century): | 0 | 00 |
No. of Floor | 2floor |
Main Wall | Stone wall |
Location: | Ngatshang, Mongar |
Current Use: | Original |
Ownership: | Gomdey |
Coodinates: | 27:17:40.51N; 91:21:17.46E |
The exact year of construction of Yadhi Sangachoeling lhakhang is still not known. According to the elders, it is said that Gowadrangtog was the residence of Sersung lama and Chaskhar Shajula goenpa was the residence of Shajula lama. They were said to be good friends who medicated in their respective residences. They knew their presence through the smoke in the early morning through sang offering. One morning, Sersung lama observed that there was no smoke and he paid a visit to the Shajula goenpa. There he found his friend had expired. Then, Sersung lama constructed a Buddhist institute for nuns in the memory of his friend. However, the community could not manage the institute after the demise of the lama leaving it in a ruins today. Later, the community built a new lhakhang based on the auspicious sign at Yaykhar in memory of the late lamas. The lhakhang suffered damage due to age. Thus, in 2017, the lhakhang was renovated through community support. The community handed over the lhakhang to Khentrul Rinpoche Rigdzin Pema Dorji in 2019.